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Work Order Custom Review
Updated over 3 months ago

Work Order Custom Review

To activate the Wok Order Custom Review module, you must access the platform Settings.

Then, go to the Work Order menu and after that, to the Work Order Review submenu.

On the Review page, you need to create your Work Order review Workflow. This Workflow can be either unordered or ordered.

Unordered: An option where there is no predefined order for reviews, meaning reviewers do not need to wait for somebody else's review to complete their own. Since there is no sequence, anyone can review and approve the Work Order at any time. The only requirement is that all designated "Mandatory Review" individuals complete their reviews.

Ordered: An option where there is a predefined order, i.e., a sequence of reviewers, where the next level is only released for review after the current level's approval. As the process has a mandatory sequence, Work Orders can have a stage rejected, leading to the entire process being restarted.

To create review levels, click on "Add Level" and enter the titles for each review. You will also select the responsible parties, which can be dynamic or fixed, and whether the review is mandatory or not.

There are several options to define reviewers:

  • Any user: a user with permission to review the Work Order in their profile settings.

  • Work Order requester: the user who requested that maintenance.

  • Work Order responsible: the individual assigned to the Work Order.

  • Asset responsible: the individual assigned to the Asset where the Work Order was performed.

  • Team leader: a user registered as the leader of the team responsible for the Work Order.

  • Profile: any user with the defined and chosen profile.

  • User: a specific user selected as a reviewer.

  • Team: anyone within the selected team can review.

After defining the review levels, you must determine what happens to the Work Order in each situation:

The first option refers to completely locking the Work Order after approval by all reviewers.

By enabling this option, you establish that the Work Order, once approved by everyone, will be locked and cannot be reviewed or edited again.

The second option relates to the change in the Work Order Status if it is Declined. Additionally, the review will be halted until the Work Order has its Status changed back to Completed.

The third option is only valid for the Ordered review model. If the Work Order is declined at any level, it does not need to be restarted. Instead, it will be returned to the previous review level, which must reassess the work.

Points to consider when creating review levels:

If a user is selected to review the Work Order, they can review it regardless of their profile type.

The only profile that cannot review Work Orders is the Viewer profile.


In an Unordered review system, some users may be selected at more than one level as reviewers.

For example, a user may have been selected based on their dynamic profile (e.g., Team Leader) and also as an assigned user. For such cases, we allow the user to choose how they want to conduct the review in question.

Users can conduct reviews more than once. In other words, a user can review with the assigned user level and then with the profile level.

For the Ordered system, conflicts do not apply, as the user can only review at the stage in which the process is located.


Review levels can be invalidated if no one can review them. For example:

  • The Work Order was not generated through a Request,

  • The Work Order has no assignee,

  • The Asset has no assigned responsible,

  • The assigned individuals have no team,

  • The selected teams have no leaders,

  • The selected profile has no users or has been deleted,

  • The selected team has been deleted,

  • The selected user has been deleted.

    For the Unordered system, invalidated levels are displayed in the invalid section with a warning that there are no valid users to review that level, and the level is subsequently disregarded.

For the Ordered system, invalidated levels are shown as invalid, with the warning that there are no valid users to review that level, and the review then moves to the next level.

  • If the first level is invalidated, the next will be the first to be reviewed.

  • If the last level is invalidated, the previous will be the last to be reviewed.

  • If the Work Order has no valid levels, it cannot be reviewed.

In such situations, the Review status is presented as invalid, and a warning is displayed explaining that there are no eligible users to review the Work Order. In this case, it is necessary to change the Work Order and assign a responsible party for it or for the relevant Asset.

Reasons for Rejection

If a Work Order is declined by one of the reviewers, the user must select a reason for it.

These reasons are predefined and created by the Administrator. They are unlimited and can be related to the lack of standard procedures, as in the examples below:

It is also possible to add information for reviewers with descriptions and attachments. This can streamline and improve the work evaluation process.

Remember: It is necessary to save this information for it to be applied in the system.

How to Review a Work Order

In the Work Orders tab, the Work Orders to be reviewed will appear under Review.

By clicking on Review, you will see the current review level and how many stages are remaining, as well as the option to approve or not.

When approving a Work Order, the work evaluation fields will also appear.

When declining a Work Order, a notice will appear that the review will be interrupted, and the Work Order will move its status to On Hold.

You will then enter the reason for rejection, and it will return to the status defined in the platform settings.

How to Conduct Mass Reviews

It is also possible to conduct mass reviews of Work Orders through the Table view mode.

A pop-up will appear, allowing users to select review options.

If Work Orders with different review levels are selected, the option to "Send to Previous Level" becomes unavailable.

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