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Filling in the Asset Technical Sheet
Filling in the Asset Technical Sheet

Learn how to fill in the Technical Sheet correctly to further refine the data provided by the platform.

Updated over 10 months ago

You can fill in the Technical Sheet when registering an asset or edit that of an asset already registered on the platform

Filling in the Technical Sheet when registering a new asset

  1. Go to the "Assets" tab;

  2. Click on "Add Asset";

  3. At the bottom of the screen, on the "Technical Sheet" part, click on "Edit Technical Sheet". The options displayed when accessing the technical file vary according to the type of asset selected.

Editing the Technical Sheet of a previously registered asset

  1. Go to the "Assets" tab;

  2. Select the Asset you want to edit/add information to;

  3. Click "Edit";

  4. In the file editing window, click on "Edit Technical Sheet".

Editing the technical sheet via the Status tab

  1. Click on "Status";

  2. Select the desired Asset;

  3. Click on "Specifications";

  4. Click on "Edit".

Don't forget to review the information on your Asset and make sure there's nothing missing.

Information required for the Technical Sheet

  • Cost of downtime: This is the total loss generated by this asset while it is idle for one hour;

  • Rotation: Fixed or variable;

  • Axes: Position of the axles after gluing;

  • Type of Support: Rigid or Flexible;

  • Unit: RPM/Hz;

  • No. of Blades/Propellers (this may vary depending on the asset);

    Bearing data;

  • Belt and pulley data;

  • Operation window: this will be used to generate Downtime alerts. Fill in this information as precisely as possible.

The information required may vary depending on the type of asset.

In the case of assets that operate intermittently, you can determine a downtime that will be taken into account before generating the insight.

Important note: it is crucial that this data is filled in correctly and in detail. This ensures the accuracy of the expert insights generated by the platform, with insights into bearing wear, cavitation and gear problems.

Entering Bearing Data in the Datasheet

  1. In the "Bearing Data" section, click "Edit";

  2. Click "+Add New";

  3. Select the bearing code and manufacturer from our database. If you can't find your bearing, add the dimensions manually.

  • Bearing Units: Select how many units of the selected bearing are present in the asset.

  • Asset Main Bearing: Select whether this is the main bearing of the asset that is closest to the sensor.

Entering Belt and Pulley Data in the Datasheet

In the "Belt and Pulleys Data" section, fill in the rotation data and the required dimensions.

If there are no Belts or Pulleys in your asset, you should check the option "Component Does Not Exist in Asset".

Entering propeller and blade data in the Technical Sheet

In the "Defining the Asset's Blade/Propeller Data" section, fill in the rotation data and the required dimensions.

Registering the axes

The position of the sensor on the machine influences the platform's measurements, so it's essential to define the accelerometer's axes correctly.

Pay attention to the image below and define the axes of your sensor according to the markings on the sensor. If the sensor is not vertical or horizontal in relation to the asset, set the axial axis and choose the radial option for the other axes. This will happen if it is tilted, for example.

Highlighted in the image below is the Percentage of completion of the Technical Sheet. This is where you can check that all the data needed to increase the assertiveness of the platform is complete.

Selecting the option "Component doesn't exist in the asset" in "Belt and pulley data" helps to ensure that the Technical Data Sheet is filled in correctly.

If you still have any questions about the Technical Data Sheet and/or how to fill it in, don't hesitate to contact the support team.

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