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13 articles
Register an AssetKnow how to register an asset on the platform and fill in all the necessary information.
Filters and Asset Visualization
Filling in the Asset Technical SheetLearn how to fill in the Technical Sheet correctly to further refine the data provided by the platform.
Information about the Asset TreeEverything you need to know before creating your Asset Tree.
Register a LocationStep-by-step instructions on how to fill in all the information to register a new Location.
Asset Registration
Analyze the status and health of AssetsLearn how to analyze the health of your Assets based on their status and information charts.
Assigning users or teams to receive alerts for each asset
How to define the sensitivity of an asset and its criticality
Change the Asset's Operating Status (Planned and Unplanned Downtime)
Generate and Print QR Codes
Asset Status Change Logic Based on Insights
Calculation of Asset Health Level