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Procedures: Answer Options
Updated over 4 months ago

On the platform, you can edit the response options in the Yes or No Inspection and Check fields within Work Orders in addition to the standard responses.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile icon and then on "Settings";

  2. Click on "Work Orders";

  3. Under "Procedures" are the "Answer options";

  4. Click on "Edit Preferences" below.

You will see the pre-set standard answer options.

Editing Response Options


You can edit each answer option with words of no more than 10 characters. The count will always be on the right-hand side.


The numbering of the options does not represent an order of priority, so it is fixed and cannot be reordered. This numbering is only there to make it easier to preview the options, which are shown just below the answer options.


You can choose between 4 colors for your answer options:

  1. Click on the color of the option;

  2. The 4 colors will appear, and simply click on one of them to set it as the color of the answer option.

Restore Default

When editing any answer option, the "Restore Default" alternative will appear in the top right-hand corner, next to the name of the Procedures list.

You can use it whenever you want to restore the defaults we have set, those options that existed before you made any changes.

Important note: the "Restore Default" alternative will only appear if you make any changes to the answer options.

Disabling options

You can even disable up to one answer option. To do this, click on the icon in the right-hand corner, next to the character count.

If you have disabled an option that was previously selected in a Work Order, you will still be able to see it. However, the option will appear disabled along with the historical data of the date it was disabled.

Important note: all changes made to Response Options will be applied to Work Orders, Plans and Procedures that use Yes/No fields, Inspections and Inspection Lists.

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