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Inspection Procedures
Inspection Procedures
Updated over 2 months ago

Inspection Procedures are essential for ensuring greater accuracy in identifying and solving problems. The platform generates specific procedures for each insight, tailored to the particular equipment involved.

For example, if a sealed bearing is registered for an asset, the platform will suggest a replacement instead of relubrication, as this is the most appropriate action for this type of component.

Important note: The suggested procedures are based on the information the platform has about your assets. It is important to ensure that the technical data sheet is fully completed to guarantee accurate suggestions.

The procedures tool is flexible, allowing you to adapt it to your maintenance process by adding safety compliance procedures specific to your company or custom activities for equipment with unique characteristics.

Procedure Management

To access the procedures area, go to the platform’s top menu and click on "Procedures". The page displays all created procedures in detail, and they can be filtered by:

  • Creator

  • Asset/Location

  • Equipment Type

If you want to create a new procedure, select the "+ Add Procedure" option.

Steps to Create a Procedure

  1. Add a Name and Description
    Provide a clear name for the procedure and add a brief description of its purpose.

  2. Define Location or Asset
    You can associate a location or asset with the procedure, but note that this association is only for organizing the procedure library. The procedure will still be available for use in other locations or assets, including different equipment types.

Methods to Create Procedures

Procedures can be created in two ways:

  • Manual: Create the procedure from scratch, adding sections and tasks in a personalized way. For detailed information about procedure fields, refer to the Procedures article.

  • Generated by Tractian Copilot: Use AI to generate a procedure with assistance. You can edit the generated procedure to customize it and speed up your creation process.

To create a procedure with Tractian Copilot, click on "Generate Procedure with AI" and follow these steps:

  1. Select the Procedure Type

    • Preventive Maintenance: Regular inspections and services to prevent unexpected failures, keeping equipment in optimal condition. You can specify how often the procedure should be performed.

    • Sensitive Inspection: Detailed assessments to detect early signs of wear, damage, or contamination that may not be immediately visible.

    • Operational Safety: Procedures to ensure the safe operation of machines and equipment, minimizing risks and protecting workers.

    • Corrective Maintenance: Repairs performed after a failure or breakdown to restore the equipment to working condition.

  2. Associate the Asset
    Select the asset to which the procedure will be applied.

  3. Describe the Procedure
    Provide detailed information about what should be included in the procedure. Tractian Copilot uses the description provided and is trained with technical data, standards, maintenance materials, and other resources to generate high-quality procedures.

Important note: The more specific your request, the more precise and high-quality the generated procedure will be. Be sure to include technical details and specific requirements for the asset or maintenance type.

Reviewing and Finalizing the Procedure

After the procedure is generated, click on "Preview".

You will be able to review the details of the generated procedure and make any necessary modifications, such as:

  • Removing sections, activities, or fields.

  • Editing text or parameter values.

  • Manually adding new steps or tasks to the procedure.

Important note: It is possible to edit the response options in the Inspection and Yes/No Check fields within Work Orders, going beyond the default responses. For more details, refer to the dedicated article.

Additionally, you can submit new requests with direct instructions to refine the procedure, tailoring it exactly to your needs.

Once you are satisfied with the generated procedure, simply save it. It will be added to your procedure library and will be ready for use in inspections.

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