Checking Insights on the Tractian platform ensures accurate diagnostics and efficient asset management. When evaluating an Insight, it is essential to correctly record the information to guarantee the traceability of events in your operation.
After completing the check of an Insight, follow the same standard process by clicking on “Check”.
Define the nature of the Insight in the “Assessment” field. Make sure to provide a correct and precise evaluation of the occurrence, reporting what actually happened during the field intervention.
Important note: If the evaluation indicates an occurrence, the Event is created automatically; if not, the Insight is archived (e.g., if your inspection is inconclusive or there is no failure).
Now, you need to fill in the fields that record the details of this Event. Right before the Files and Photos field, you can link this Event to an existing one by clicking on “Link an Existing Event” and selecting from the Events on the list.
Describe what happened during the Event and, if applicable, add the Identified Failures.
Checked Insight with Resolved Failure Event
When marking a problem as resolved, you must provide additional information about the Event in question. It is important to note that some of the fields listed below may or may not appear for completion, depending on the evaluation you performed earlier.
Functional Failure, Potential Failure, Total Failure
Downtime: Define the period during which the asset was stopped when it should have been operational.
Effective Repair Time: Provide the time maintenance personnel spent repairing the equipment.
Time to Action: The time between the issuance of the alert or Insight and the start of maintenance or repair of the asset.
Associated Work Orders or Requests (for TracOS™ customers): Any Work Order or Request related to this intervention.
Work Order Code from external ERP/CMMS (for monitoring-only customers): In this field, you can type the code of a Work Order registered outside the TRACTIAN platform so you can track it later.
Insights Savings Forecast:
Avoided Downtime: The amount of downtime avoided through this intervention. In other words, the time the equipment would have been inactive if the intervention had not been carried out. Next to this field, you can add the cost per hour of downtime.
Avoided Repair Time: The amount of repair time avoided by this intervention. That is, the additional repair time that would have been required later if this intervention had not been done now.
Saved Items: Any component that was saved through this intervention. To add, click on “Add” and enter the item name, quantity, and, preferably, the unit cost. To add more items, simply click on “Add” again as many times as necessary.
Process Adjustment
Cause: Select what caused this process adjustment.
Process Adjustment Event Period: The period (start and end date and time) when the adjustment occurred.
Linked Work Orders or Requests: Any Work Order or Request related to the process adjustment.
Sensor Changes
Cause: Select what caused this adjustment in the process.
Sensor Change Event Period: The period (start and end date and time) when the change occurred.
Linked Work Orders or Requests: Any Work Order or Request related to the sensor changes.
Assessments That Never Create an Event
Inconclusive Inspection
When you select “Inconclusive Inspection”, only the description and files fields will be available for completion. We recommend you describe in detail why no result was obtained from the inspection, so the next steps can more effectively address the root cause of the Insight being generated.
No Irregularities
If the final conclusion after the inspection is that no irregularities were found, carefully check the checklist and, if possible, add a detailed description afterward.
After all the evaluation fields are properly completed, it’s time to save, by clicking on the bottom-right button.
If you conclude that an irregularity exists, an Event will be created, and you can view it directly in the “Events” tab of the platform.
Checked Insight with Unresolved Failure Event
If, during the Insight check, a failure event is identified but not yet resolved, you can provide additional information during the Insight evaluation to create the Event.
Functional Failure, Potential Failure, Total Failure
Failure Event Period: Specify the date and time the Event started. The adjacent field, intended to fill in the end date and time of the Failure Event, will appear as “Until Now”, since the problem is unresolved. Under these conditions, this field will be locked for editing.
Linked Work Orders or Requests: Any Work Order or Request related to this failure.
Process Adjustment
Cause: Select what caused this process adjustment.
Process Adjustment Event Period: Provide the date and time the process adjustment began. The adjacent field, intended to fill in the end date and time of the Event, will appear as “Until Now”, since it was marked as unresolved. Under these conditions, this field will be locked for editing.
Linked Work Orders or Requests: Any Work Order or Request related to the process adjustment.
Sensor Changes
Cause: Select what caused this adjustment in the process.
Sensor Change Event Period: Provide the date and time the changes began. The adjacent field, intended to fill in the end date and time of the Event, will appear as “Until Now”, since it was marked as unresolved. Under these conditions, this field will be locked for editing.
Linked Work Orders or Requests: Any Work Order or Request related to the sensor changes.
After completing all necessary information, click “Save”.
Done, the Event has been created. You can access it anytime in the “Events” tab of the platform.