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Check and Validate an Insight
Check and Validate an Insight

Learn how to rate assertiveness, check and validate an Insight

Updated over 10 months ago

In the platform's main menu, select the "Insights" tab. Then choose the insight to be checked.

Insight Status

You can change the status of the Insight according to the status of the possible fault check:

  • In Inspection: click this status when what caused the alert is being checked on the machine;

  • In Intervention: click on this status when action is already being taken to correct what caused the insight, after the alert has already been inspected and verified.

Insight Checking

If there really is a failure, click on “Check” when the intervention has already been carried out and the fault has therefore been avoided.

In cases where no failure has been identified, click on “Check” and fill in the necessary information in the window that will open.

Important note: it is crucial that you always check and validate the platform's Insights, regardless of whether or not a fault has been identified. This is because the purpose of checking insights is to rate the assertiveness of the insight - in other words, whether a fault was actually identified or whether another factor caused the alert, such as a change in operation.

Rating the Assertiveness of an Insight

When you click on “Check”, you must rate the Insight's Assertiveness by selecting one of the following options:

  • Failure identified: If the problem has been corrected (Yes), the platform learns the asset's fault pattern and becomes more assertive. If the problem has not been corrected (No), the platform understands that there is still a fault going on in the asset and, if it detects an increase in vibration, a new alert will be generated.

  • Change of Operation: The platform will learn the impact of each type of change of operation on the asset and thus generate more assertive insights.

  • No failure: The platform understands that the change in behavior that prompted that insight may be normal for the asset and will take this into account when generating the next insights.

  • Sensor issues: Improper positions and other situations involving the sensor can hinder the platform's models and the generation of insights, so they should be reported in this field.

  • Inspection not performed: The platform understands that this type of alert is not considered worrying by the team, so it is unnecessary to carry out an inspection on the asset.

If a failure has been identified in the Asset, you must fill in some information about this failure:

  • Criticality: Serious, Moderate or Slight

  • Cause: Lubrication problem, Warped shaft, Wear, Backlash, etc.

  • Component: Gears, Rotor, Bearing, Coupling, Structure etc.

  • Intervention time: Hours or Days

  • Savings forecast: Cost of parts, Cost of machine downtime, etc.

  • Note: Any information you deem relevant about the fault

Click on “Check” and the Insight will already be checked and validated on the platform.

Important note: it is through this information, filled in by you and your team, that the platform learns about the behavior of your assets and improves the assertiveness of the next alerts. Make sure you fill them in correctly and in as much detail as possible.

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