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Indicator Reports
Updated over 10 months ago

To access the platform's indicators, go to "Reports" and click on "Indicators".

After clicking on "Indicators", you will see the initial reports screen, which contains 8 main sections:

  1. Filters

  2. Overview

  3. Availability

  4. Reliability

  5. MTBF

  6. MTTR

  7. MTTA

  8. Work Orders

To find out more about how the platform's indicators are calculated, click here.


The Filters section, just below "Reports", allows you to refine the data view by:

  • Assignee

  • Asset/Location

  • Tag

  • Equipment Type


The "Overview" of the Indicators is represented by quick view cards, so you can quickly see the 5 Indicators in macro form, which have individually dedicated sections. They can also be adjusted by timeframe by clicking and changing the interval required to obtain the data.

You can also set the data reliability period and the calculation mode by clicking on the gear icon. You can choose from 7 days to 100 days. We'll talk more about the Calculation Mode on the MTBF section.


This section shows a chart with the percentage of Availability per month grouped by days/weeks/months/quarters/years within the given date range.

Selecting the grouping period and chart format:

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "Reliability" heading

  2. Under "Group by" and select Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year

  3. To change the chart format, click on the "Settings" symbol

  4. Under "Chart Type", select Column or Line.

Detailed View

By clicking on "Detailed View", you will get more graphical information about Availability. You will see:

  1. General Monthly or Daily Availability: a line graph showing the percentage of Availability per month or per day. You can edit this in the filters at the top of the section.

  2. Weekly General Availability: a bar graph showing the percentage of Availability from week to week.

  3. Availability by Asset/Location/Model: a bar graph showing the percentage of Availability according to Asset, Location or Model. You can customize the view by clicking "Custom".

  4. Availability Over Time: a line graph showing the monthly/daily Availability of each Asset/Location or Model in hours. You can edit what is shown on the graph in the "Asset", "Location", or "Model" options at the top.


This section shows a graph with the percentage of Reliability per month grouped by days/weeks/months/quarters/years within the given date range.

The default view of this graph is monthly, but the grouping period can be selected by the user, as can the graph format and the setting of the Reliability period in days.

Selecting the grouping period and chart format

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "Availability" heading

  2. Under "Group by" and select Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year

  3. To change the chart format, click on the "Settings" symbol

  4. Under "Chart Type", select Column or Line.

Selecting the Reliability period in days

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "Reliability" title

  2. Under "Period", choose the number of days you want to display on the chart.

Detailed View

By clicking on "Detailed View", you will get more graphical information about Reliability. You will see:

  1. Overall Monthly Reliability: a line graph showing the percentage of Reliability per month or per day. You can edit this in the filters at the top of the section.

  2. Weekly Overall Reliability: a bar graph showing the Reliability percentage from week to week.

  3. Daily Overall Reliability: a line graph showing the daily Reliability percentage.

  4. Reliability by Asset/Location/Model: a bar chart showing the Reliability percentage according to Asset, Location or Model. You can customize the view by clicking on "Custom".

  5. Reliability Over Time by Asset/Location/Model: a line graph showing the monthly/daily Reliability of each Asset/Site or Model in hours. You can edit what is shown on the graph in the "Asset", "Location" or "Model" options at the top. There is also the option of a customized view, which you can get by clicking on "Custom".


This section shows a graph with the number of days per month of MTBF grouped by days/weeks/months/quarters/years within the given date range.

The default view of this graph is monthly, but the grouping period can be selected by the user, as can the graph format, the display criterion in days or hours, and the way this Indicator is calculated.

Selecting the grouping period and chart format

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "mtbf" title

  2. Under "Group by" and select Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year

  3. To change the chart format, click on the "Settings" symbol

  4. Under "Chart Type", select Column or Line.

Selecting the display criteria

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "MTBF" title

  2. Under "Show on", select Days or Hours

Selecting how the indicator is calculated

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "MTBF" title

  2. Under "Calculate Indicator by", you can select between:

  • Weighted Average: considers the Weighted Average of the total number of failures among all the Assets/Sites below the calculated level.

  • General: considers the sum of the failures of all the Assets/Sites that are lower than the highest level selected.

Detailed View

By clicking on "Detailed View", you will get more graphical information about MTBF. You will see:

  1. Overall Monthly MTBF: a line graph showing the MTBF in days per month or per week. You can edit this in the filters at the top of the section.

  2. Weekly MTBF: a bar chart showing MTBF in number of days per week.

  3. MTBF by Asset/Location/Model: a bar chart showing MTBF in days according to Asset, Location or Model. You can customize the view by clicking on "Custom".

MTBF over Time by Asset/Site/Model: a line graph showing the MTBF in monthly/daily hours for each Asset/Site or Model. You can edit what is shown on the graph in the "Asset", "Site" or "Model" options at the top. There is also the option of a customized view, which you can get by clicking on "Custom".


This section shows a graph with the number of hours per month of the MTTR grouped by days/weeks/months/quarters/years within the given date range.

The default view of this graph is monthly, but the grouping period can be selected by the user, as well as the graph format and the display criterion in days or hours.

Selecting the chart format

  1. To change the chart format, click on the "Settings" symbol

  2. Under "Chart Type", select Column or Line.

Selecting the grouping period and display criteria

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "MTTR" title

  2. Under "Group by" and select Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year

  3. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "MTTR" title

  4. Under "Show on", select Days or Hours

Detailed View

By clicking on "Detailed View", you will get more graphical information about the MTTR. You will see:

  1. Overall Monthly MTTR: a line graph showing the MTTR number of days per month.

  2. Weekly MTTR: a bar graph showing the MTTR in number of days per week.

  3. MTTR by Asset/Location/Model: a bar chart showing the MTTR in days according to Asset, Location or Model. You can customize the view by clicking on "Custom".

  4. MTTR Over Time by Asset/Location/Model: a line graph showing the MTTR in monthly hours for each Asset/Site or Model. You can edit what is shown on the graph in the "Asset", "Location" or "Model" options at the top. There is also the option of a customized view, which you get by clicking on "Custom".


This section shows a graph with the number of days per month of MTTA grouped by days/weeks/months/quarters/years within the given date range. The default view of this graph is monthly, but the grouping period can be selected by the user, as well as the graph format and the display criterion in days or hours.

Selecting the chart format

  1. To change the chart format, click on the "Settings" symbol

  2. Under "Chart Type", select Column or Line.

Selecting the grouping period and display criteria

  1. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "MTTA" title

  2. Under "Group by" and select Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year

  3. Click on the Settings symbol on the right-hand side of the "MTAA" title

  4. Under "Show in", select Days or Hours

Detailed Overview

By clicking on "Detailed View", you will get more information about MTTA in graphs. You will see:

  1. Overall MTTA Monthly: a line graph showing MTTA in number of hours per month.

  2. Weekly MTTA: a bar graph showing MTTA in terms of hours per week.

  3. MTTA by Asset/Location/Model: a bar graph showing MTTA in hours according to Asset, Location or Model. You can customize the view by clicking on "Custom".

  4. MTTA Over Time by Asset/Location/Model: a line graph showing the MTTA in monthly hours for each Asset/Location or Model. You can edit what is shown on the graph in the "Asset", "Location" or "Model" options at the top. There is also the option of a customized view, which you get by clicking on "Custom".

Work Orders

This section contains the information on the Work Orders considered to show the graphs and information in each of the previous sections of the page.

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