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Operation Windows
Updated over a month ago

Operation Windows are used to define the times when assets are running or stopped. This helps monitor and send alerts accurately. Here’s everything you need to know to manage these windows, step by step.

How to Access Operation Windows

  1. Click on the profile icon in the top-right corner of the platform and select "Settings."

  2. In the left sidebar, click "Assets" and then "Operation Windows."

Now you’re in the Operation Windows tab, where you can view all previously created windows.

  • View Modes: Choose between Panel (more visual) or Table (more detailed) from the top menu.

  • Search for an Operation Window: Use the search bar to find a specific window by name.

How to Edit an Existing Operation Window

  1. Click on an already created window to view its details.

  2. You can:

    • Quickly Add Assets by clicking on "+ Link".

    • Edit Information by clicking the Edit button. Here, you can modify:

      • Window Name: Change the name to something easier to identify.

      • Operation Times:

        • To change a time range, click on the current time and select another.

        • To remove a time range, click the x next to the period. If no time ranges remain, the asset will be considered inactive on that day.

      • Linked Assets: Add or remove assets associated with this window.

How to Create a New Operation Window

  1. Click "+ Add" in the top-right corner of the tab.

  2. Fill in the required fields:

    • Identification: Give the new window a name.

    • Time Ranges: Add operation times for each day of the week by clicking the + next to the day.

    • Assets: Choose which assets will be part of this window.

After configuring everything, click Save to finish.

How to Remove Assets or Time Ranges from a Window

Click "Edit"

  • To delete a time range:

    1. Choose the day of the week.

    2. Click the x next to the time range to be removed.

  • To delete an asset:

    1. In the asset list, click the x next to the asset you want to remove.

Detailed View in Table Mode

The table mode displays detailed information about the assets and their alerts.

  • Available Data:

    • Linked Assets and their Operation Windows.

    • Stop Alerts:

      • Status: Whether the alert is active or deactivated.

      • Automatic Tolerance: Extra time before the alert triggers.

      • Generated Alerts: How many alerts have been created.

    • Operation Alerts:

      • Status: Whether the alert is active or deactivated.

      • Generated Alerts: How many alerts have been created.

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