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Work Orders - Table View
Updated over a week ago

Work Orders - Table View

To learn more about how to create work orders, access this article.

Within the Work Orders tab on the platform, there are three different viewing modes: Dashboard, Table, and Calendar.

The most commonly used mode is the Table mode, which allows simultaneous viewing and editing of most of the fields of the work orders, using the keyboard and/or in bulk. There are other useful tools within this viewing mode, which are explained below.

To access the Table mode, select the option with the same name in the top menu of the Work Orders tab.

Increase the Number of Work Orders on the Screen

To view more or fewer work orders on your screen, select the option in the bottom right corner, next to the pagination, and choose the number of work orders you want to view at once. The quantity ranges from 10 to 500.

Sorting, Rearranging, and Pinning Table Columns

The default configuration is for all tables to start with the Work Order Title column. However, all other columns can have their position edited and even be pinned.

To change the position of a column in the table, click on its name, hold, and drag the column to the desired position.

To pin a column in the table, click on its name, hold, and drag the column to the left until the pin symbol appears. Release the column in the desired position.

Edit Work Order Data Directly in the Table

Only in Table mode is it possible to edit data without opening the individual modal of each work order. You can make these edits using the mouse and/or keyboard.

Double-click on the field you want to edit. The Assignees, Categories, Location or Asset, and Priority fields are options that will provide choices.

On the other hand, the Tags field will require selecting an existing description or entering a new option.

The Planned Start Date and Due Date fields will display a date modal and allow you to add the time.

The Files field allows the user to attach any materials considered relevant to the work order. To add a file, simply double-click on the field with the same name, click or drag the desired file, and click Save.

You can only edit open work orders. For completed orders, you can only edit "Tags," "Failures," and "Attachments."

Enable or Disable Table Column Visibility

Enable or disable column visibility directly in the table through the gear icon located in the top right menu.

Mass Editing

It is possible to mass edit some information in Service Orders, such as: Assignee, Due dates, and Status.

You can also extract the data from the selected orders to Excel, print reports, and adjust the row size of the file. To do this, select the desired Work Orders, and then click on the option in the top menu corresponding to the action you want to perform.


To access the available filters, select the option with the same name in the top menu of the Service Orders tab, or use the quick filters that appear.

Select the filters you want, and finally, click on Apply. If you use the quick filters, there's no need to apply them separately. Just click and configure the desired filters.

The available filters are:

  • Created by: User who created the work order;

  • Assignee: Teams or users responsible for the work order;

  • Date (Due date, creation, last update, completion, or planned start): Time interval that the work order is in, depending on the selected type of date, it can be open, including overdue or without a due date;

  • Location or Asset: Location or assets for viewing;

  • Priority: Level of priority for addressing the work order;

  • Status: Current status of the work order;

  • Tags: Search for tags registered in the work order;

  • On Hold reasons: Justifications for the work order being on hold;

  • Criticality: Level of criticality of the work order;

  • Identified failures: Failures recorded for the asset in the work order.

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